On the upside, I think the "mule of my dreams" joined our herd today.
Meet "Charlie" (at least that's what I think his name is going to be). He's sort of nervous at the moment, and he needs a lot of work, but I think he's gorgeous and exactly what I've dreamed of owning someday. And, no, that doesn't mean I love Whisper one bit less...he's still my main man, but on days that my body isn't cooperating with me, riding a mule is just easier than riding a Quarter Horse.

On the downside, Freckles isn't doing well...again. Now it seems as if he has an obstruction that isn't allowing him to swallow what he eats and drinks. It being Labor Day weekend, there's no one at the vet clinic, and we've been panicking about what to do. He seems a little better now than he did earlier, so fingers are crossed that he'll hang in there until we can get him help.

Another upside is that one of our rescue horses went to her new home. This <--- is a photo of her on May 22, when we brought her home. She was one bid away from becoming dog food when we raised our hand and bought her. This ---> is her with her new owner going for a test ride today, before they loaded her up and
took her to a WONDERFUL new home in Tennessee. Not sure if you can tell how much weight Sophie put on in the 3 months she's been here (a lot!), but I'm sure you can see the difference in her spirit and attitude. We got a phone call this evening saying she was safely in her new home, and eating grass like there's no tomorrow. What a great feeling to know you made such a huge difference in an animal's life. Best wishes to Sophie and her new family! She went with a new purple halter, three baggies of herbal goodies and supplements, and a lot of love.
We're hoping to go to the Mule Days in Ider tomorrow, assuming my kidney stone will cooperate. Man! This is when you know you're getting old. When your choices of activites are governed by how your body parts are working.
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