Friday, August 29, 2008

A Day Off

Haven't seen a horse all day. I'm in withdrawal! I know they're in good hands with Skeeter and Nancy (our caretakers, that live in the barn and play mom and dad when we're not there) but it's sort of like sending your kids off to camp. I just hope I packed enough clean socks!

Today is "take care of me" day, which, instead of being a "day off" as the header implies, means I've been catching up on emails, trying (quite unsuccessfully I might add) to get a path through this cluttered mass we call home, getting the shopping list created for this month's herb order, and to finish off the day, a visit to the doctor to see if I have a kidney stone, an infection, or a pulled muscle. Getting older is NOT for sissies!

I'll finish the shopping list tonight and we'll go over what's being ordered and why. Need anything?


Arliss said...

Babs, with all you do, a "taking care of me day" is a NECESSITY! I hope you're finding it restorative.

Arliss Paddock

Anonymous said...

Babs, if I were a horse, I'd want you to be my owner.
Jean Mc